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Home » Summer 2025 job programs available for Herkimer County youth

Summer 2025 job programs available for Herkimer County youth

There are four separate summer job programs available to youth in Herkimer County.

Details, eligibility and the application process for each program are described below:

Herkimer County Employment & Training (ETA) Summer Youth Program:

Ages 14-20.

Must fit income requirements-public assistance, SNAP, Medicaid, HEAP, SSI, low income.

For an application, click here or call 315-867-1400.

14-15 year olds may be placed at BOCES.

16-20 year olds will be placed at individual worksites.

Herkimer County Legislative Summer Youth Program:

Ages 16-21.

No income requirement.

Youth must contact their county legislator for an application. If you do not know who your legislator is, you can call the Youth Bureau at 315-867-1213.

Old Forge Bus Transportation Program:

Interested youth ages 14-21 can contact employers in the Old Forge area directly for employment. Many work at the Enchanted Forest Water Safari, and that application can be done online at https://www.watersafari.com/jobs/.

After being hired, you will have to contact the Youth Bureau at 315-867-1213 to set up a time to complete the application to ride the bus and get an ID.

Herkimer County College Corps Internship Program:

This is a 200-hour paid internship.

For those who will be a junior or senior in college in the fall semester.

For an application, click here or call 315-867-1400.

The program will look for an opportunity that matches closely to your curriculum or you can also find the employer and let them know that the program will share the cost of your wages.