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Instructional Technology Plan

I. District LEA Information

District Administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data:
Director of Technology, Ryan Orilio

II. Strategic Technology Planning

  1. Overall District Mission
    The mission of the Herkimer Central School District is to successfully carry out the educational tenets of our philosophy by providing:
    • An atmosphere conducive to learning which is at once both challenging and secure.
    • A variety of curricular opportunities in an organized structured manner.
    • Information, role models, and opportunities for appropriate decision-making.
    • A diversified program which offers curricular and extracurricular activities and encourages productive use of leisure time.
    • An educationally sound system of evaluation and assessment.
    • To secure this mission of the district is committed to use, support and enhance the professional expertise of all staff.
  2. What is the vision statement that guides instructional technology use in the district?
    The basic goal of education, to prepare our students for life-long learning and success has not changed. However, the tools and instructional methods used to achieve these goals are constantly evolving. Technology offers students an avenue to succeed as citizens in a global society in which information is growing at an incredible rate. Technology can improve communication, enhance thinking skills, make instruction more efficient and effective, and develop life skills critical to success. It is the vision of Herkimer Central Schools that students be engaged in a stimulating academic environment and a rigorous curriculum that is student-centered and focused on inquiry-based learning.
  3. The planning process used to address the Instructional Technology Plan questions and the district’s comprehensive plan involved various stakeholder groups. These meetings resulted in specific outcomes for the instructional technology plan development.
    • Date: Summer 2021
      Type: Virtual Synchronous Meeting
      Outcome: Instructional Technology Mission/vision statement
      Stakeholders: Administrators, Teachers, etc
    • Date: October 2021
      Type: Virtual Synchronous Meeting
      Outcome: Instructional Technology Goals
      Stakeholders: Administrators, Teachers, etc.
    • Date: February 2022
      Type: Virtual Synchronous Meeting
      Outcome: Instructional Technology Goals and Action Plan
      Stakeholders: Administrators, Teachers, etc.
    • Date: March 2022
      Type: Face to Face Meeting
      Outcome: Instructional Technology Goals
      Stakeholders: Students
  4. The district’s Instructional Technology Plan builds upon, continues the work of, and improves the previous three-year plan.
    • The planning process for this version of the Instructional Technology Plan closely mirrored the planning for the previous plans, however, the majority of the planning took place in virtual meetings (synchronously) instead of face to face meetings. Coinciding with each synchronous meeting were also a variety of asynchronous discussion topics for the group as a whole.
    • The Technology Committee reviewed the previous Technology Plan and discussed (virtual but synchronous) the previous goals as outlined and described. As a group we discussed what we had and had not seen happening, and from that, identified strengths and areas of improvement.
    • The goals from the previous version of the Instructional Technology Plan that have not been fully met (largely due to COVID) are integrated into this plan’s goals. Even this version’s goals are worded differently, the same content is included in the goals, just in a slightly different context.
  5. The district’s Instructional Technology Plan reflects experiences during the COVID pandemic.
    • This plan allows for the importance of internet connectivity ALL students and faculty. We now offer internet hotspots to any student or staff member who does not have readily accessible internet access at their home.
    • Previous plans did not have the district moving to a 1:1 computing environment so quickly, but the pandemic forced us to change course and now we are at a 1:1 computing environment.
    • Professional development is now largely offered virtually, and in some cases asynchronously, in order to better meet the needs of diverse staff and faculty requirements, access, and schedules.
    • Deployment of devices changed as a result of the pandemic from a shared device model, to an individual use model.
  6. Is your district currently fully 1:1?
    • Yes
  7. Professional development plan for building the capacity of educators and administrators in the attainment of the instructional technology vision as stated in response to question 2.
    • Professional development is offered to staff and faculty at Herkimer CSD from a variety of vendors and mediums. Offerings are available from the district itself, our local RIC and BOCES, local Teacher Center, NYSCATE, and direct from our technology partners. These offerings can be synchronous or asynchronous, face to face or virtual, and continuing or one-time.
    • Professional Development opportunities are distributed to staff and faculty through an internal calendar, emails, Social media, and through 1:1 contact with teachers.
    • The content of available professional development varies greatly, but in general, the vast majority relates to one of the previous Instructional Technology Plan goals.
    • Staff is surveyed each year on their instructional technology needs, desires, and aptitude. This results in more tailored professional development recommendations for that staff member(s).

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III. Goal Attainment

  1. Digital Content – The District uses standards-based, accessible digital content that supports all curricula for all learners. The district has met this goal:
    • Moderately
  2. Digital Use – The District’s learners, teachers, and administrators are proficient in the use of technology for learning. The district has met this goal:
    • Moderately
  3. Digital Capacity and Access – The District’s technology infrastructure supports learning and teaching in all of the District’s environments. The district has met this goal:
    • Fully
  4. Leadership – The District Instructional Technology Plan is in alignment with the Statewide Learning Technology Plan vision. The district has met this goal:
    • Significantly
  5. Accountability – District-level information is posted on the District website, is easy to access, and is easily understood. Information provided includes the results achieved by the District in their efforts to enable students to build knowledge, master skills, and grasp opportunities for a better life. The district has met this goal:
    • Minimally

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IV. Action Plan – Goal 1

  1. Goal 1:
    • Provide relevant, timely, and ongoing professional development on best practices in technology integration and data security.
  2. NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal:
    • Provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies.
  3. Target Student Population:
    • All students
  4. Additional Target Population(s):
    • Teachers/Teacher Aides
    • Administrators
    • Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation?
    • This goal will be evaluated in two ways:
      • An end of year survey to all instructional staff, that measures their level of comfort with technology integration practices.
      • Ongoing surveys that follow professional development opportunities (survey for participants at conclusion of professional development meeting or class)
    • This data will be collected and analyzed at least annually by the Director of Technology and Technology Integration Coach.
  6. Action steps that correspond to Goal #1:
    • Action Step 1:
      • Action Step: Planning
      • Action Step – Description: Staff needs/knowledge survey
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Instructional Technology Coach
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 9/30/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: $0
    • Action Step 2:
      • Action Step: Evaluation
      • Action Step – Description: Evaluation of survey results
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Instructional Technology Coach
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 9/30/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: $0
    • Action Step 3:
      • Action Step: Planning
      • Action Step – Description: Professional Development Planning
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 10/31/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: $0
    • Action Step 4:
      • Action Step: Implementation
      • Action Step – Description: Implement PD topics and sessions
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 10/31/2023
      • Anticipated Cost: $0

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Action Plan – Goal 2

  1. Goal 2:
    • Update classrooms to offer the best available teaching and learning tools to students.
  2. NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal:
    • Provide technology-enhanced, culturally- and linguistically-responsive learning environments to support improved teaching and learning.
  3. Target Student Population:
    • All students.
  4. Additional Target Population(s):
    • Teachers/Teacher Aides.
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation?
    • This goal will be measured through a close look at our current inventory of classrooms and their installed/integrated technology. This will allow HCSD to identify the classrooms and places of need and address them.
  6. Action steps that correspond to Goal #2:
    • Action Step 1:
      • Action Step: Evaluation
      • Action Step – Description: Evaluate current classroom technology inventory/tools.
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 9/01/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A
    • Action Step 2:
      • Action Step: Planning
      • Action Step – Description: Plan for classroom technology upgrades
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 12/01/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A
    • Action Step 3:
      • Action Step: Implemention
      • Action Step – Description: Conduct upgrades in classrooms
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 7/01/2023
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A
    • Action Step 4:
      • Action Step: Professional Development
      • Action Step – Description: Classroom technology training for teacher
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Instructional Technology Coach
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 7/01/2024
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A

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Action Plan – Goal 3

  1. Goal 3:
    • Update and strengthen the HCSD network infrastructure to be able to fully support both current and planned uses and installations.
  2. NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal:
    • Design, implement, and sustain a robust, secure network to ensure sufficient, reliable high-speed connectivity for learners, educators, and leaders.
  3. Target Student Population:
    • All Students
  4. Additional Target Population(s):
    • Teachers/Teacher Aides
    • Administrators
    • Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation?
    • We will work closely with the network technicians from MORIC to evaluate our current network infrastructure. This will be followed by a plan for where we believe our network infrastructure should be at the end of this plan, including an implementation schedule for getting there.
  6. Action steps that correspond to Goal #3:
    • Action Step 1:
      • Action Step: Evaluation
      • Action Step – Description: Evaluate current network infrastructure.
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 7/31/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A
    • Action Step 2:
      • Action Step: Planning
      • Action Step – Description: Create network plan
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Other
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: MORIC & Tech Director
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 12/01/2022
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A
    • Action Step 3:
      • Action Step: Implemention
      • Action Step – Description: Begin network updates as per planning
      • Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      • “Other” Responsible Stakeholder: N/A
      • Anticipated Date of Completion: 7/01/2024
      • Anticipated Cost: N/A
    • Would you like to list a fourth goal?
      • No

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V. NYSED Initiatives Alignment

  1. How the district use of instructional technology will serve as a part of a comprehensive and sustained effort to support rigorous academic standards attainment and performance improvement for students:
    • At Herkimer CSD we realize that instructional technology is nothing more than a tool for effective learning. Teachers use technology where appropriate to advance content, present ideas in new or engaging ways, and to support 21st century activities like student publishing. In these ways, the use of instructional technology supports all classrooms and content areas in making learning rigorous and aligned to current standards. Students use technology in a variety of ways to demonstrate their understanding of a concept or skill. This includes, but is not limited to, recording videos, learning reflections, collaborative documents and slideshows, interactive images, digital publishing, photography and image editing. Technology is also used to provide multiple pathways for students to access and participate in learning. This is accomplished via tools that allow for online access to course materials and assignments, expanded instructor availability via videoconferencing, 24/7 content access through platforms like NewsELA and Youtube, and a variety of differentiation and accessibility tools build into student devices.
  2. Strategies the district plans to implement to address the need to provide equitable learning “everywhere, all the time” (National Technology Plan). Including both short and long-term solutions, such as device access, internet access, human capacity, infrastructure, partnerships, etc:
    • Access to a connected device for all staff and students
    • Provide internet access to students and faculty who do not have it on their own
    • Continual network infrastructure upgrades to support increased need for device access and bandwidth
    • Training for staff and students on using available resources
  3. Students with disabilities may be served through the use of instructional technology as well as assistive technology devices and services to ensure access to and participation in the general education curriculum. Here describes how instruction using technology is differentiated to support the individual learning needs of students with disabilities:

    Students with disabilities are served through a variety of differentiation methods and tools. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Student 1:1 devices (Chromebooks and iPads) are equipped with assistive technologies that include screenreaders, voice to text, screen magnifiers and other display modifications, sticky keys, translation tools, and other assistive technologies.
    • Tools like Google Classroom, GoGuardian, and Lightspeed allow our teachers to differentiate instruction for learners with different needs, by allowing the teacher to modify assignments and activities, and assign to individual students.
  4. How the district utilizes technology to address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments:
    • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for “anytime, anywhere” access (such as through a class website or learning management system).
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
    • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
    • Assistive technology is utilized.
    • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill.
    • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.
  5. Professional development that will be offered to teachers of students with disabilities that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase student language and content learning through the use of technology:
    • Research, writing and technology in a digital world
    • Choosing assistive technology for instructional purposes in the special education classroom
    • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the special education classroom
    • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology
    • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas
    • Helping students with disabilities to connect with the world
  6. How the district utilizes technology to address the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments:
    • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for “anytime, anywhere” access (such as through class website or learning management system).
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
    • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
    • Home language dictionaries and translation programs are provided through technology.
    • Hardware that supports ELL student learning, such as home-language keyboards, translation pens, and/or interactive whiteboards, is utilized.
    • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill, such as through the creation of a product or recording of an oral response.
    • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.
  7. The district’s Instructional Technology Plan addresses the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments in multiple languages:
    • Yes
    • In the 5 languages most commonly spoken in the district
  8. The professional development that will be offered to teachers of English Language Learners that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase their student language development and content learning with the use of technology:
    • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom
    • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom
    • Research, writing and technology in a digital world
    • Writing and technology workshop for teachers
    • The power of technology to support language acquisition
    • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the language classroom
    • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology
    • Electronic communication and collaboration
    • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility
    • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas
    • Helping students connect with the world
    • Use camera for documentation
  9. How the district utilizes technology to address the needs of students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity to ensure equitable access to instruction and learning:
    • Provide/students/experiencing homelessness/and/or housing insecurity with tablets or laptops, mobile hotspots, prepaid cell phones, and other devices and connectivity.
    • Provide students a way to protect and charge any devices they are provided/with/by the district.
    • Replace devices that are damaged or stolen/as needed.
    • Have/resources/available to/get/families and students step-by-step instructions on how to/setup and/use/their districts Learning Management System or website.
    • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
    • Offer a technology/support hotline during flexible hours.
  10. How the district use instructional technology will facilitate culturally responsive instruction and learning environments:
    • The district uses instructional technology to strengthen relationships and connections with families to assist in building a culturally responsive learning environment to enhance student learning.
    • The district uses instructional technology to facilitate classroom projects that involve the community.
    • The district uses instructional technology to develop and organize coherent and relevant units, lessons, and learning tasks that build upon students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences.
    • The district uses instructional technology to assist in varying teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and language proficiencies.
    • The district uses instructional technology to enable students to communicate and collaborate with students in different schools or districts in New York State, the United States, or with different countries.
    • The district uses instructional technology to facilitate collaborative classroom projects among heterogeneous student groups.

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VI. Administrative Management Plan

  1. Staff Plan: Provided with the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) count, as of plan submission date, of all staff whose primary responsibility is delivering technology integration training and support and/or technical support:
    • Full-time Equivalent (FTE):
      • District Technology Leadership: 1.00
      • Instructional Support: 0.50
      • Technical Support: 1.80
    • Totals: 3.30
  2. Investment Plan: Provided a three-year investment plan to support the vision and goals. All costs calculated for the entire three year-period, not annualized. For example, if a cost occurs annually, the estimated cost should include the annual cost times three. Provided a three-year investment plan to support the vision in Section II and goals in Section IV:
    • 1. Anticipated Item or Service:
      • End User Computing Devices
    • “Other” Anticipated Item or Service:
      • N/A
    • Estimated Cost:
      • $240,000
    • Is Cost One-time, Annual, or Both?
      • Annual
    • Potential Funding Source:
      • BOCES CoSer purchase
      • District Operating Budget
    • “Other” Funding Source:
      • N/A
    • 2. Anticipated Item or Service:
      • Network and Infrastructure
    • “Other” Anticipated Item or Service:
      • N/A
    • Estimated Cost:
      • $50,000
    • Is Cost One-time, Annual, or Both?
      • One-time
    • Potential Funding Source:
      • BOCES CoSer purchase
      • District Operating Budget
    • “Other” Funding Source:
      • N/A
    • 3. Anticipated Item or Service:
      • Other
    • “Other” Anticipated Item or Service:
      • Physical Security (cameras and access)
    • Estimated Cost:
      • $100,000
    • Is Cost One-time, Annual, or Both?
      • One-time
    • Potential Funding Source:
      • District Operating Budget
      • Smart Schools Bond Act
    • “Other” Funding Source:
      • N/A
    • 4. Anticipated Item or Service:
      • Peripheral Devices
    • “Other” Anticipated Item or Service:
      • N/A
    • Estimated Cost:
      • $35,000
    • Is Cost One-time, Annual, or Both?
      • Annual
    • Potential Funding Source:
      • BOCES CoSer purchase
      • District Operating Budget
    • “Other” Funding Source:
      • N/A
    • Totals: $425,000
  3. Has the school district provided for the loan of instructional computer hardware to students legally attending nonpublic schools pursuant to Education Law, section 754?
    • Yes
  4. Districts are required to post either the responses to this survey or a more comprehensive technology plan that includes all of the elements in this survey. The 2022-25 Instructional Technology Plan can be accessed by following this link.

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