Overview of Department of Educational Services and Curriculum
The Department of Special Programs and Curriculum provides a wide scope of services to students in the HCSD. These services include remedial education; special education; educational enrichment programming; and pupil personnel services, such as social work counseling, psychological evaluations, speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy.
Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
The New York State Education Department has mandated that schools provide Response to Intervention (RTI)/AIS to students who demonstrate weaknesses in the content areas. Students become eligible for this service as a result of multiple measures, including their performance on both state and local assessments. Parents/caregivers are notified if their children are eligible to receive services and the type and amount of service they will receive, and will receive progress reports from your child’s teacher.
Special Education
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is made available to all students identified as a student with a disability by the Herkimer Central School District’s Committee on Special Education (CSE). Correne Holmes is the chairperson for the CSE. The CSE includes a child’s service providers and parents/guardians. Service providers may include the child’s general education teacher, special education teacher, school psychologist, social worker, occupational therapist, and/or speech pathologist. The Herkimer Central School District offers a continuum of special education services, allowing for students to receive support in the least restrictive environment to meet their needs. Students may also receive related services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and counseling. The type of services a child receives is based on the recommendations of the CSE. All members of the CSE play an important role in determining which services a child requires to meet the child’s individual needs. The results of a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s ability level are also used when determining the level of support needed.
Psychological Services
The school psychologist provides evaluation services for students who are referred to the Committee on Special Education (CSE). Parental permission is required for a psychological evaluation, which primarily includes intellectual testing and an educational achievement assessment. Additionally, the school psychologist performs required reevaluations (every three years) for students that have been classified with a disability.
Speech Therapy
The speech and language pathologist provides speech and language screening and/or evaluations for new students and students who are referred. HCSD also provides speech and language therapy for students who are identified as in need of this service. The comprehensive speech and language therapy services presently offered include articulation therapy, voice therapy, fluency therapy, and therapy to improve students’ receptive and expressive language skills.
Physical Therapy
HCSD’s physical therapy services are available to students with a disability who have been identified as needing the service through a physical therapy evaluation. This program seeks to improve students’ gross motor skills to successfully participate in classroom, gym, and playground activities. Intervention targets a child’s motor coordination, speed, strength, endurance, running, and strength.
Occupational Therapy
HCSD’s occupational therapy services are available to students with a disability who have been identified as needing the service through an occupational therapy evaluation. This program seeks to improve students’ fine/visual motor and visual perceptual skills. Intervention includes addressing foundational skills delays/difficulties that are impacting a child’s ability to successfully engage in/complete functional classroom tasks.
Departments & Services Links
Special Programs
Committee on Special Education Chairperson (K-12): Correne Holmes
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1003
Director of Special Programs and Curriculum (K-12): Michelle Ploss
Phone: (315) 866-2230, ext. 1003
School Psychologist (K-12): Kelley Thorp
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1003
More Info
Every parent or person in parental relation maintains rights regarding the referral and evaluation of their child for the purposes of special education services or programs. You may refer to A Parent’s Guide to Special Education on the New York State Education Department’s website for information regarding your rights, or contact the district’s Special Programs office.
View additional Special Education resources on the New York State Education Department website.