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Head Lice (Pediculosis)

Pediculosis does not pose a major health risk to our students or staff, but it is a condition that we want to limit the exposure of students to. As such, students may be screened for head lice when there is the possibility of exposure.

The mode of transmission is direct or indirect contact with infested headgear, combs, brushes, or clothing. The period of communicability is as long as the untreated lice are present.

If a student is thought to have head lice/nits, he/she is sent to the nurse’s office to be checked. If a student is found to have live head lice, he/she will be sent home for treatment. The nurse will send treatment instructions home with the child.

The nurse may screen all students in the classroom that had the child with head lice/nits and any other family members who also attend the elementary school. The nurse may need to determine the extent of the infestation by screening students in the same class and grade level.

The parent/guardian will be notified if a student is going to be sent home and will be asked to pick up the student.

After the students have been treated at home, they must report to the nurse to be checked upon returning to school. For proof of treatment, please bring in box from treatment. If they still have head lice, they will be sent home again with treatment instructions.

If a child has live head lice, they may not attend any school functions unless the school nurse checks them. This would include evening and weekend activities such as practices, games, activity nights, evening concerts, assemblies, and any other school-sponsored events.