Herkimer BOCES CTE Open House March 8 features college, career connections

The Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES 2023 Career and Technical Education Open House will help introduce potential students and their families not only to Herkimer BOCES programs, but also to local college and career opportunities. Open House attendees will be able to visit the 14 CTE programs at Herkimer BOCES and meet the teachers. They also will be …

Congratulations to our girls indoor track team and indoor track state finalists

Herkimer Mayor Dana Sherry has proclaimed Wednesday, March 1, as Herkimer Indoor Girls Track Team Day in recognition of our school’s team, and there are plenty of reasons to celebrate! Congratulations to the Herkimer girls indoor track team for winning the league championship and Section III championship this season! Congratulations also go out to Herkimer …

Herkimer students’ artwork featured in Youth Art Month Reflections show

Herkimer Central School District art teachers Heather McCutcheon and Leah Zorn and eight of their students have artwork on display in the Youth Art Month Reflections show at the Mohawk Valley Center for the Arts. “The common theme of this exhibit is reflection,” said McCutcheon, who is also the coordinator for the exhibit. “Students learn …

Herkimer staff recognition program provides free coffees for colleagues

Herkimer Central School District staff has been conducting a staff appreciation program called Coffee for a Colleague since last school year to recognize staff for acts of kindness or going above and beyond in their work. The program is made possible through a Stewart’s Shops grant program. Teachers and staff peer-nominate their colleagues, and those …

Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School announces 2nd quarter Honor Roll

Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School has announced the students who were named to the Honor Roll for the second quarter of the 2022-23 school year. Grade 6 High Honor Roll: Jakob Bacon Emily Baylor Chase Benedict Nicolas Chabot Victoria Donets Bryce Gargas Winter Gray Timothy Halloran Nicholas Hutchins Adam Kimery Lorenzo Knight Aria Luck Gwendalyn McCutcheon …

Havonna White named Physical Education Character Recognition Award winner for January

The Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School Physical Education Department has announced that the January 2023 Physical Education Character Recognition Award goes to ninth grader Havonna White. Students who are recognized with the monthly awards for displaying good character in PE class receive a #HerkStrong t-shirt and their picture displayed on the bulletin board in the hallway. …

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