The Regular Board of Education Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Herkimer Middle-High School Library Media Center by President Crandall and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
President Crandall explained that the Board of Education welcomes public comment and community input at meetings. However, we caution that we are not authorized to engage in conversations pertaining to individual students, faculty, staff, or administrators. Topics of this nature may only be discussed during executive session and must be coordinated with the Superintendent of Schools prior to a BOE meeting.
Public Comment:
Mrs. Mary Ann Stoffolano expressed her concern regarding the ineligibility cards that were distributed to the student athletes. The Board of Education listened to her concerns and informed her that the athletic director and high school principal would contact her to discuss the issue further.
Approval of the Agenda:
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded a motion to formally approve the consent agenda. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Board Recognitions:
President Crandall acknowledged the thank you received from Ms. Rylee Crandall in regard to the Board of Education salutatorian award given from the Board of Education.
Approval of the Minutes:
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Mr. Verenich seconded a motion to formally approve the Board of Education meeting minutes from Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Motion carried 5:0:1.
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Petucci seconded a motion to formally approve the Board of Education Reorganizational/Regular meeting minutes from Thursday, July 7, 2022. A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Business Reports:
Upon recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert seconded by Mr. Lamanna, the BOE accepts receipt of the Revenue Status Report, Appropriation Status Report, August General Warrant totaling $371,284.72, August Capital Warrant totaling $29,527.11, the August Exceptions Report, the August HHS/HES Extra-Curricular Treasurer’s Report and the July HHS/HES Extra-Curricular Treasurer’s Report. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Budget Transfers Over:
Upon recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Lamanna, the BOE approved four (4) budget transfers over the $5,000 limit totaling $595,247.00. All voted in favor; motion carried 6-0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Valley Health Services Agreement:
Mr. Petucci moved, and Ms. Gilbert seconded the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education hereby accepts the agreement between the Valley Health Services and the Herkimer Central School District to provide advanced planning for an emergency evacuation for Valley Health Service Residents in a case where a disaster takes place and warrants an evacuation; and ,
WHEREAS, it is the Districts desire to enter into this agreement from September 23, 2022 thru September 22, 2023; per the terms and conditions of the agreement”.
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Disposal of Surplus Items:
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded to accept the following Board resolution:
“WHEREAS, the Herkimer CSD owns the items listed in Part C (Disposal) which are no longer useful or necessary for the school district’s purpose and are of no value to the Herkimer CSD, as indicated in Mrs. Frasier’s Fixed Asset Inventory Control Forms, and;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby declares those items to be surplus as they have no further value to the school district and authorizes the Business Office to inform the appropriate personnel to dispose of those items in the best interest of the school district.”
A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Donation to School Resolution (School Supplies):
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Mr. Petucci seconded to accept/approve the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does hereby accept receipt of a donation from Tony’s Pizzeria & Deli in the amount of $400.00, to increase Revenue A2705 and to increase the Appropriation Code A2110 450E by said amount, to be used for School Supplies”.
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Donation to School Resolution (Backpacks):
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Ms. Gilbert seconded to accept/approve the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District accepts ten (10) backpacks filled with school supplies as a donation from Matt Voorhees of Express Employment Professionals, to distribute to students in need at the middle school and high school levels.”
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Town of Herkimer Easement for Pump Station Resolution:
Mr. Mihevc moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education hereby approves the Town of Herkimer Easement for Pump Station and Other Utilities agreement as presented; and,
THEREFORE, it is the Districts desire for the Board President to sign the contract on the Boards behalf.”
A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Simply Special Learning Center Contract:
Mr. Petucci moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, the Herkimer CSD has the need for an independent contractor to perform educational and therapeutic services set forth herein and enters into such an agreement with Simply Special Learning Center, LLC during the 2022 – 2023 school year for one (1) Non- Public Student and four (4) in the Home Instruction Program; and,
WHEREAS, it is the Districts desire to enter into this agreement for the 2022- 2023 school year; per terms and conditions of the agreement.”
A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file date 09-14-22).
Upstate Cerebral Palsy Agreement:
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education hereby agrees to enter into agreement for the 2022-2023 school year with Upstate Cerebral Palsy to provide educational services for children residing in our district enrolled as day students in the Tradewinds Education Center ; and ,
THEREFORE, it is the Districts desire for the Superintendent of Schools to sign the contract on the Boards behalf.”
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Business Office Update:
Superintendent Carney welcomed Mr. Mower, the districts part-time Business Manager. Ms. Frasier gave an update from the business office, including an ST-3 update, the need to place additional legal notices for a clerk of the works since no resumes have been received, PILOT update and the anticipation of the auditor’s report. Ms. Frasier also informed the Board that the Treasurer’s Report was not available this month but will be ready for the October BOE meeting. A discussion followed.
Superintendent Report/Update:
Superintendent Carney informed the Board that she felt the students assimilated back to school nicely and that the year was off to a good start. She made mention of the supply give-away that occurred over the summer and was appreciative of all the support from the community and our staff. She was pleased with the video that was made from the first day of school and encouraged all to view this if they haven’t already.
Superintendent Carney mentioned that we are still ironing things out with transportation, but that it is improving each day. Staff is being asked to sign in and out each day again in an effort to make our buildings and staff safer.
It was noted that the Board will need to pick a date to meet briefly in order to vote on the Herkimer BOCES Intermunicipal Agreement one more time. She informed the Board that she still has not formally heard anything regarding the land swap but will notify them if she does.
The New York State School Boards Association is holding its annual convention in Syracuse from October 27-29, 2022. If anyone is interested in attending, please let Mrs. Steele know.
Connected Community Schools should be all set for the district and Superintendent Carney believes this will be beneficial to our district and is excited to implement it.
MOA – LTA Salary Schedule:
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Mr. Verenich seconded the following Board resolution:
“WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby accepts the Memorandum of Agreement-Starting Salaries for Licensed Teacher Assistants, between the Herkimer CSD and the Herkimer Faculty Association (HFA); and, for the Superintendent of Schools to sign the contract on the Board’s behalf.”
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22)
MOA – Elementary STEM Advisors:
I am seeking formal approval of the following resolution:
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded the following Board resolution:
“WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby accepts the Memorandum of Agreement-Increase in Number of Elementary STEM Club Advisor Positions and Designations by Grade Level, between the Herkimer CSD and the Herkimer Faculty Association (HFA); and, for the Superintendent of Schools to sign the contract on the Board’s behalf.”
A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22).
Administrative Reports:
Mr. Abbe, Ms. Tomaso and Ms. Vogt gave an overview of their reports, which were all reviewed by the BOE.
Staffing Recommendations:
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Mihevc, the BOE approved the following personnel actions as presented. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0:
Staffing Appointments (Amended BOE 08/23/22):
NAME: Freeland, Gabriella
TENURE AREA(s): Family and Consumer Science
To the extent required by the applicable provisions of Education Law Section 2509, 2573, 3213 and 3014, in order to be granted tenure, the classroom teacher or building principal shall have received composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education Law 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least (3) of the four (4) preceding years. If the classroom teacher or building principal receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period, he or she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time. For purposes of this subdivision, classroom teacher and building principal mean a classroom teacher or building principal as such terms are defined in Sections 30-2.2 and 30-3.2 of the Part.
Effective: September 23, 2022
SALARY: Step 8 2021-2025 Herkimer Faculty Association Contract
Non-Teaching Appointment (Amended BOE 08/23/22):
- Name: Peterson, Alicia
Position: Typist*
Location: Middle-High School
Effective Date: August 25, 2022
Salary: $17/hour
*Provisional Appointment pending civil service test
Other Absence:
Name: Thuener, Jessica
Position: Licensed Teacher Assistant
Effective Date: September 8, 2022 – November 9, 2022
Reason: Student Teaching in District
Mentor Appointments for 2022-2023 School Year:
Jennifer Olds, Library/Stem Teacher (Mentor)
William Pegg, Classroom Teacher (Mentee)
Salary per the HFA contract
Extra-Curricular Appointments:
- Name: Ellinger, Amberlyn
Appointment: 3rd Grade STEM Advisor
Salary: $1,520 - Name: Cerasi, Jamie
Appointment: 4th Grade STEM Advisor
Salary: $1,520 - Name: Spence, Kelly
Appointment: 5th Grade STEM Advisor
Salary: $1,520 - Name: Rich, Kristen
Appointment: Outdoors Club Advisor
Salary: $1,520 - Name: Paddock, William
Appointment: Fall Theatrical Assistant Director
Salary: $885 - Name: Peyton, Leah
Appointment: Jr. E-Sports Advisor
Salary: $1,520 - Name: Orilio, Ryan
Appointment: Sr. E-Sports Advisor
Salary: $1,520
Unpaid Teacher Volunteer:
- Name: Krause, John
Position: Choral Music Teacher
Effective Date: 2022 – 2023 School year, as needed
CSE/CPSE Program/Placement Recommendations:
Upon recommendation from Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci, seconded by Ms. Gilbert, the BOE approved the Committee on Special Education, the Sub-Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education program/placement recommendations as presented. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 09-14-22)
Board of Education Reports:
President’s Update:
President Crandall commented that the start of school seemed to go very smoothly this year and that the students seemed to be excited to be back in school.
Future Meeting Dates/Agenda Items:
It was agreed by all Board of Education members that a special BOE meeting would be held on Monday, September 26, 2022, at 5:30 so that the Herkimer BOCES Intermunicipal Agreement could be voted on. The next scheduled BOE meeting date was changed to Wednesday, October 5, 2022, in the Jr./Sr. High School Library Media Center. The audit committee will meet at 5:00 and the regular BOE meeting will then start at 6:00. All agreed on date and time.
Meeting Evaluation:
Ms. Gilbert, this evening’s meeting evaluator, presented her review of the September 14, 2022, Board of Education meeting. She felt the meeting went very well and that they were given all material with sufficient time to review.
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded a motion to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. The Board may take action in public session after the Executive Session ends and the Board returns to public session. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Executive Session:
The Board moved into Executive Session at 7:28 p.m.
The Board exited Executive Session at 7:53 p.m.
On a motion made by Ms. Gilbert and seconded by Mr. Lamanna, the BOE adjourned the public meeting at 7:54 p.m. All voted in favor 6:0.
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