Date: Dec. 14, 2022
Place: Herkimer Middle-High School Library Media Center
Members Present: Brian Crandall, Michele Gilbert, Joseph Lamanna, Robert Mihevc, Scott Petucci, and Aleksander Verenich
Members Absent: Diann Fischer
Others Present: Superintendent Kathleen Carney, Ryan Orilio, Susan Steele, Cristi Paragi, Michelle Ploss, Jessica Tehan, Mary Tomaso, and Renee Vogt
The Regular Board of Education Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. at the Herkimer Middle-High School Library Media Center by President Crandall and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Mr. William Pegg, Herkimer Elementary School Music Teacher, presented the Third Grade Choir and they sang a few holiday songs for all in attendance. Their enthusiastic performance was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Michelle Ploss, Director of Student Programs and Curriculum, thanked the Board of Education for the unique opportunities that Curriculum Council gives our staff. Presentations were then given by Herkimer Elementary Kindergarten, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, and Special Education teachers.
President Crandall explained that the Board of Education welcomes public comment and community input at meetings. However, we caution that we are not authorized to engage in conversations pertaining to individual students, faculty, staff, or administrators. Topics of this nature may only be discussed during executive session and must be coordinated with the Superintendent of Schools prior to a BOE meeting.
Public Comment:
The Board of Education heard no comments from the public.
Approval of the Agenda:
Mr. Petucci moved, and Mr. Verenich seconded a motion to formally approve the consent agenda. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Board Recognitions:
President Crandall acknowledged the flyer presented regarding the NYSATA Awards dinner and the student artwork on display.
Approval of the Minutes:
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Mr. Verenich seconded a motion to formally approve the Board of Education regular meeting minutes from Wednesday, November 16, 2022. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Mr. Mihevc seconded a motion to formally approve the Board of Education special meeting minutes from Wednesday, November 9, 2022. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Business Reports:
Upon recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci seconded by Ms. Gilbert, the BOE accepts receipt of the November Treasurer’s Reports, Revenue Status Report, Appropriation Status Report, November General Warrant totaling $1,982,884.19, November Capital Warrant totaling $45,872.50, November Federal Warrant totaling $12,919.13, the November Exceptions Report, November HHS/HES Extra-Curricular Reports, 2018 Capital Project Change Orders and one (1) budget transfer under the $5,000 total. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
Budget Transfers Over:
Upon recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Mr. Mihevc, seconded by Mr. Lamanna, the BOE approved two (2) budget transfers over the $5,000 limit totaling $333,000.00. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
2014 Building Renovation Capital Project Corrective Action Plan:
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Kathleen A. Carney, and the District Audit Committee, on a motion made by Mr. Mihevc, seconded by Ms. Gilbert, the Board accepts the 2014 Building Renovation Capital project Corrective Action Plan as presented, and approves its submission to the New York State Education Department and the Office of the New York State Comptroller.
A discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
Dissolution of Clubs:
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Verenich seconded the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that by the Herkimer Central School Board of Education, the Friends of Rachel ($33.00 Balance) and Middle School Student Council ($14.00 Balance) extracurricular accounts will be dissolved due to inactivity. The total remaining balance of $47.00 in the combined accounts will be donated to the Herkimer High School Student Council account.”
A discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
Donation to School:
Mr. Petucci moved, and Mr. Mihevc seconded the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District accepts a donation from the Hannaford Helps Schools program in the amount of $1486.00, to increase Revenue A2705 and to increase the Appropriation Code A2110 450E by said amount, to be used to support student programs and extracurricular activities at the Herkimer Elementary School”.
A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
Business Office Update:
Superintendent Carney explained that Mr. Charles Mower and Ms. Karen Mettler were both unable to attend tonight’s meeting but informed the Board that things are going well in the Business Office.
Superintendent Report/Update:
Superintendent Carney believes that all retirees should be acknowledged for their dedication and wanted to acknowledge Mr. Fox, who will be retiring this month. Other notable acknowledgments were the delightful performance by Mr. Pegg and his Grade 3 Choir, Elementary teachers Curriculum Council presentations, HHS and HES student artwork on display, Ms. McCutcheon receiving a special YAM Award, HHS student Brett Saunders receiving the Samaritan Award, and all of the wonderful holiday concerts and plays that our staff have worked so hard on.
Land swap update…There is a meeting with legal the morning of Thursday, December 15, 2022, to go over all documents again. There is also a meeting that same day for the signing-legal will accompany us to the signing to make sure everything goes as discussed.
Before the Capital Project begins, pictures were taken of Harmon field and the structures currently there to show the condition of said property.
Patrick Malowski, a former HHS student, has been in our district filming videos and taking pictures of our students and schools and will be compiling a video to showcase our district. Superintendent Carney is looking forward to the finished product.
There will be a meeting to discuss a grant for the Liberty Partnership Project with SUNY Polytechnic Institute. The program will provide interventions for individual students and assist them in completing their high school education, as well as provide options for higher education and/or the workforce.
The litigation with JUUL Labs has been settled and they were found to be fraudulent in their practices.
With the holidays upon us, Superintendent Carney wanted to take the time to wish everyone a happy holiday season and welcomed 2023.
Administrative Reports:
Mr. Abbe was absent from tonight’s meeting; however, Ms. Paragi, Ms. Vogt, and Ms. Tomaso gave an overview of their reports. A brief discussion followed. All reports were reviewed by the BOE.
Clerk of the Works Agreement:
Mr. Petucci moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded the following Board resolution:
“RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District approves the contract between HR Beebe Incorporated and the District, and authorizes the President of the Board of Education to sign the agreement, and further
RESOLVED that the Board appoints HR Beebe Incorporated as Clerk of the Works effective December 14, 2022, through December 31, 2023, unless extended or sooner terminated by the parties; all in accordance with the terms of the above approved contract”.
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
HCSD/HFA MOA – Addition of New Co-Curricular Club & Advisors:
Mr. Lamanna moved, and Mr. Petucci seconded to accept/approve the following Board resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby accepts the Memorandum of Agreement between the Herkimer Central School District and the Herkimer Faculty Association (HFA) to add the following co-curricular club and two advisors: Elementary Drama Club, each advisor compensated at $1,520.00; and for the Superintendent of Schools to sign the contract on the Boards behalf.”
All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
Staffing Recommendations:
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci, seconded by Ms. Gilbert, the BOE approved the following personnel actions as presented after a brief discussion. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0:
Teacher Resignation:
- Name: Sementilli, Giovanna
Position: Licensed Teaching Assistant
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: December 22, 2022
Staffing Appointments:
NAME: Decker, Aaron
TENURE AREA(s): Music Education
To the extent required by the applicable provisions of Education Law Section 2509, 2573, 3213 and 3014, in order to be granted tenure, the classroom teacher or building principal shall have received composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education Law 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least two (2) of the three (3) preceding years. If the classroom teacher or building principal receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period, he or she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time. For purposes of this subdivision, classroom teacher and building principal mean a classroom teacher or building principal as such terms are defined in Sections 30-2.2 and 30-3.2 of the Part.
Effective January 17, 2023
SALARY Step 7 2021-2025 Herkimer Faculty Association Contract
Substitute Appointment:
- Name: Steele, Tyler
Position: Substitute
Location: District-Wide
Effective Date: November 16, 2022 – June 30, 2023, as needed
Salary: Per Payment Guidelines for Substitutes
Extra-Curricular Appointments:
- Name: Kirkpatrick, Brenna
Appointment: Elementary Drama Advisor
Salary: $1,520 - Name: Knowlton, Deb
Appointment: Elementary Drama Advisor
Salary: $1,520
Coaching Recommendations:
2022-2023 Winter Interscholastic Coaching Appointments*
- Name: Lewandrowski, Kory
Position: Boys Varsity Volleyball
Salary Per HFA Contract, may be pro-rated as negotiated
*Conditioned upon a sufficient number of schools participating to merit a season with sufficient student participation to field a team
CSE/CPSE Program/Placement Recommendations:
Upon recommendation from Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Mihevc, the BOE approved the Committee on Special Education, the Sub-Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education program/placement recommendations as presented. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
2023-2024 Operations Budget Calendar:
Upon recommendation of Superintendent Carney, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Lamanna, the BOE voted to accept/approve the copy of the 2023-2024 Budget Calendar as presented.
All voted in favor, motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
Board of Education Reports:
Policy Review:
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Mihevc seconded the following Board resolution:
WHEREAS, it is customary practice of the BOE to have three readings of a policy prior to its adoption; and
WHEREAS, the BOE wishes to adopt several policies recommended by the Policy Committee, to wit,
- # 8600 Accommodation of Hearing-Impaired Parents;
- # 8601 Parent Involvement for Children with Disabilities;
- # 8602 District-Wide Program Equivalency (Title I);
- # 0013 Title IX Grievance Process;
- # 0015 Equal Opportunity and Prohibition of Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination
The following Regulations: #8600.1 Accommodation of Hearing-Impaired Parents Request Form; #8600.2 Accommodation of Hearing-Impaired Parents District Response; #8600.3 Accommodation of Hearing-Impaired Parents Notice; #0013.1 Title IX Grievance Process
FUTHERMORE, per the Policy Committee’s recommendation, the Policy Service concurred with the Committee’s suggestion to remove the following policy: #8700 Animals in the School-Study, Handling and Care; #8701 Animals in School Instructional Purpose,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby waives the BOE’s customary practice of three readings prior to the adoption of policies, and adopts the following policy, incorporated by reference in the minutes of this meeting.
All voted in favor, motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 12-14-22).
President’s Update:
President Crandall thanked Mr. Pegg for the wonderful performance by the Grade 3 Choir and the elementary school teachers for their curriculum council presentations. He informed the Board that as part of an assignment for our senior class he has been receiving many letters from our students where they address various issues in and around the school. He feels the letters are informative as it allows the Board to see things from the student’s perspective.
Mr. Petucci also commented on the great performance by the Grade 3 Choir. He informed the Board that he has had requests from community members to provide recycling bins at outdoor events and believes this is a good idea.
Future Meeting Dates/Agenda Items:
The next scheduled BOE meeting date is Wednesday, January 18, 2023, in the Jr./Sr. High School Library Media Center at 6:00 pm. All agreed on date and time.
Meeting Evaluation:
Mr. Petucci, this evening’s meeting evaluator, presented his review of the December 14, 2022, Board of Education meeting. He felt it was well run and loved the Curriculum Council presentations given by the elementary teachers. As much as he enjoyed hearing from the teachers, he felt that the highlight of the meeting was the energetic performance by the Grade 3 Choir. Great job by all.
Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Lamanna seconded a motion to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. The Board may take action in public session after the Executive Session ends and the Board returns to public session. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.
Executive Session:
The Board moved into Executive Session at 8 p.m.
Mr. Mihevc exited Executive Session at 8:45 p.m.
The Board exited Executive Session at 9:10 p.m.
On a motion made by Ms. Gilbert and seconded by Mr. Lamanna, the BOE adjourned the public meeting at 9:10 p.m. All voted in favor 5:0.
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