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Home » Athletics


Go Magicians!

Welcome to Herkimer Athletics, the Home of the Herkimer Magicians! The Herkimer Central School District believes that participation in sports provides a wealth of opportunities and experiences for students on the playing field and in the classroom. We offer students the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports that take place across three seasons.

Herkimer is a member of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) and competes in the Center State Conference as a member of Section 3.

Athletics Registration

Registration information will be listed here during the registration period for each sports season.


The mission of NYS interscholastic athletic programs is to foster the quest for excellence by creating an educational and competitive experience within an atmosphere of sportsmanship. Successful programs develop individual and team potential by promoting high standards of competence, character, civility and citizenship.

Athletes are required to meet the district’s Academic Eligibility Standards for continued participation in athletics.

Athletics Sports & Teams

Fall Sports:

Varsity Football
Modified Football

Varsity Cheerleading

Boys Varsity Soccer
Boys Modified Soccer

Girls Varsity Soccer
Girls Modified Soccer

Varsity Field Hockey
Modified Field Hockey

Girls Varsity Tennis

Boys Varsity Cross Country
Boys Modified Cross Country

Girls Varsity Cross Country
Girls Modified Cross Country

Winter Sports:

Boys Varsity Basketball
Boys JV Basketball
Boys Modified Basketball

Girls Varsity Basketball
Girls JV Basketball
Girls Modified Basketball

Boys Varsity Bowling
Girls Varsity Bowling

Boys Varsity Indoor Track

Girls Varsity Indoor Track

Boys Varsity Volleyball

Girls Varsity Volleyball
Girls JV Volleyball
Girls Modified Volleyball

Varsity Wrestling
Modified Wrestling

Spring Sports:

Varsity Baseball
Modified Baseball

Varsity Softball
Modified Softball

Varsity Girls Track
Modified Girls Track

Varsity Boys Track
Modified Boys Track

Varsity Boys Golf

Varsity Boys Tennis


Herkimer High School: From NYS Thruway: Take Exit 30 for Herkimer. Turn right onto Route 28. Turn left at first traffic light onto South Caroline St. Proceed to the end and turn left onto West German Street. The school is located down on the left.

Herkimer Elementary School / Athletic Complex: From NYS Thruway: Take Exit 30 for Herkimer. Turn right onto Route 28. Turn left at first traffic light onto South Caroline St. Turn right onto Route 5 and proceed through the village approximately 2 miles to Gros Blvd. Turn left onto Gros Blvd. The elementary school is located less than a mile on the left.

There is parking to the left of the school, nearest to the football field and track. To reach the parking lot behind the elementary school, turn left at the four-way stop. The parking lot will be on the left. When exiting this lot, vehicles must turn right.

Hudl Livestreams

All Herkimer Magicians home games for the following sports will be streamed live on Hudl:

  • Men’s Varsity Basketball
  • Women’s Varsity Basketball
  • Varsity Football
  • Men’s Varsity Soccer
  • Women’s Varsity Soccer
  • Men’s Varsity Volleyball *(only livestreamed if the game is played at the Middle-High School)
  • Women’s Varsity Volleyball *(only livestreamed if the game is played at the Middle-High School)

Athletics Calendar

For the full Aktivate (formerly known as Schedule Galaxy) calendar, click here.

Tuesday April 1

4:30 pm
Girls Varsity Softball @ West Canada Valley
WCV Softball field

Wednesday April 2

4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Boys Varsity Baseball v. New York Mills
Elementary Baseball Field
4:30 pm
Boys Varsity Tennis @ Westmoreland
Tennis Courts
4:30 pm
Girls Varsity Softball @ Cooperstown
Linden Ave Field

Friday April 4

4:30 pm
Boys Varsity Baseball v. Sauquoit Valley
Elementary Baseball Field